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I have purposely passed up the TMCC Allegheny a few times in hopes we would eventually see a VL (or at least legacy reissue)


I really am maxed out on Articulated Steam (VL UP Greyhound Challenger, Legacy UP H7, TMCC C&O 2-6-6-2 Mallet, and soon VL Big Boy)  I think if the Allegheny is reissued i will be saying goodbye to my Mallet.


Bottom line is YES. If an allegheny is reissued, i will own it.... I grew up with my mother working in Dearborn, MI at Greenfield Village (where in their Henry Ford Museum #1601 sits) so the Allegheny is partially responsible for my love of trains in the first place.

Seeing that prototype as a kid at the Henry Ford Museum is also the exact reason I have my MTH C&O Alley...
Originally Posted by Mark Bee:


Bottom line is YES. If an allegheny is reissued, i will own it.... I grew up with my mother working in Dearborn, MI at Greenfield Village (where in their Henry Ford Museum #1601 sits) so the Allegheny is partially responsible for my love of trains in the first place.


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