I received my Flat Car with the UH60A and I wanted to give you my evaluation. First let me say that I am not complaining I am evaluating the product. I also have a question for any other forum member who has one of these specific cars.
It comes in a Menards box. Thought it was just a packing box but no, that was "the box". Inside was a form fitted clear plastic container with a top portion and bottom portion "welded" together with tape and those little male and female attachment points were solid. So opening it was a chore.
Once open I was immediately greeted with two tiny black round pieces. Further investigation led to discovering they were the axle bearing covers for two of the truck wheels. I pushed them back on the axle head and am currently hoping they stay on. I was also greeted by a package of black sticks, each about an inch to inch and a quarter long. 33 of them. There are 36 holes around the edges of the flat bed. I guessed that they were some sort of security poles. Thanks to no note or guide paper telling me what they were and where they go and why there were only 33 and not 36, I am now asking. What are they and if they are what I thought, do i glue them on or just stick them in the holes?
The deck of the bed has what appears to be, modeled grease or oil stains on the front (the nose area of the helicopter). Is that modeled grease or oil, or did it get stained before shipping?
The wheel distance appears to be ok. I ran it at 60 smph, and it seemed to run fine. The two end caps on the wheels stayed on.
The trucks do have excessive gap between the top of the truck and the bottom of the bed, but i didn't notice a great degree of sway back and forth.
I was somewhat disappointed with the helicopter, but nothing to cry about. The stabilator wing at the back wiggles a bit. The cargo doors didn't have glass over the windows or something to denote windows. The cargo doors move, but the gunner windows don't. There's a blemish on top of the engine cowling. The tail rotor wiggles around as if it's about to come off. But, it's a stationary item on a train car that plays follow the leader so who cares.
All in all it's and ok car but for $52 and change, it gets about a 6.