It's Team Track Tuesday!!!
Team tracks are a vital part of day to day real railroad operations. Found in remote rural locations, small towns, and large cities, team tracks provide access for on/off loading of practically every kind freight car, some passenger head end equipment and MOW equipment.
This week on the Free State Junction Railway's team track number 1 in Lower Patsburg, we have a boxcar load of Packard automobile parts destine for several local Packard dealerships throughout the greater Patburg area. A Pennsylvania Railroad 44 ton switcher and crew is seen pushing the boxcar back onto the team track. The delivery truck driver and forklift operator are already there waiting for the car's arrival. The car is uncoupled and the 44 tonner pulls forward. Almost immediately the forklift operator repositions his lift, getting ready to do some serious business, as one of the unloading crew begins to slide the door open. Packards .... a serious automobile!!
Remember to share your railroad's team track photos here! Real railroad team track photos are also welcome. Everyone with a team track on their layout is welcome to participate. If you have an intricately detailed museum quality layout or a simple loop of tin plate track with an undesignated spur come on and join the fun!!
Have a wonderfully fun and creative week everyone
! Thanks for stopping by the TEAM TRACK!!