IT's TEAM TRACK TUESDAY!! Share your railroad's team track action here!
Team tracks are a vital part of real railroad day to day operations. Team tracks are found in remote rural locations, small towns, and large cities. Most types of freight cars can be off/on loaded on team tracks, as can some passenger train head end equipment, and MOW equipment.
This week on the Free State Junction Railway's Mountain Division, a rock slide took place early this morning at " Narrow Pass " which blocked the main line most of the day. Around 5 a.m. two fisherman discovered the slide, as they were walking alongside the tracks. They frequently use Narrow Pass to gain access to their favorite fishing spot. Once discovered they high tailed it back to their vehicle and drove to the nearest railroad tower to report the incident. The tower operator immediately contacted the MOW Dept. A MOW train was scrambled together ... with flatcars for heavy equipment and empty gons and was dispatched right away. The pass is incredibly narrow ( hence the name " Narrow Pass ") so the rocks had to be hauled away in gons instead of being shoved off to the side of the track. Once the gons were loaded they were brought to the team track in Danlilu. Once MOW Dept. figures out where to ship the loaded gons, a local freight will pick them up.
So go ahead and post your railroad's team track photos. Lets see what happening on your railroad team track. Real railroad team track photos are always welcome too!
See ya next week on the TEAM TRACK! Have a wonderfully creative week!