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I enjoy watching your progress on the new and improved layout. I’ve searched all over, but have not found a copy of your track plan. Watching I get a real good picture of how it flows. However, if you have posted the plan somewhere could you please let me know?


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@naresar posted:

Hey Pete, I don't think @jdstucks ever posted the track plan as a standalone image and I'm not even sure that they existed other than hand drawn sketches. But if you watch back through the early layout build videos, I know he talked about the plans in one of them.  Unfortunately I can't remember which exact video.

Thanks! Yep, I don’t think posted it either. I’ve watched the videos and I think you have the right idea. I’ll just go back and sketch it out from the videos.

Anyone have an idea on the size of the bench work? In one of the videos the longest stringers were referenced at 12 feet. So I’m pegging the max width at 12. Length seems to be in the range of 20-30 feet.  


I enjoy watching your progress on the new and improved layout. I’ve searched all over, but have not found a copy of your track plan. Watching I get a real good picture of how it flows. However, if you have posted the plan somewhere could you please let me know?


Thanks for your interest in my layout. Here are the tracks plans. I left it in grid view (1ft between dots) so you can measure the various lengths. The long back wall is 33ft in length and max width is 12 1/2 ft.

Hidden Lower Level

Middle Level

Top Level

My track plan is heavily influenced by @Rich Battista's Black Diamond Railway and I made modifications to meet my preferences and space.

- Jason

Thank you Jason! It makes a lot of sense now that you mention Rich Battista’s layout.

I like how the plan stretches out the length of runs for the space and uses the lower space for storage. Very clever! Now it’s time for me to put my boys to work on the layout. We are looking forward to your progress on the scenery.


Rich has always been a huge inspiration for me. Great guy too.

Good luck on your layout build!

- Jason

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