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It can, but it takes a bit of work.  The ERR Commander products put out a 5V logic signal on pin #3 of the RailSounds connector (normally unused) whenever the whistle/horn is activated.  This signal can be used to trigger the traditional horn.


There are instructions on the ERR site to tap the signal into Lionel whistle/horn boards of various types, that will solve the problem for them.  If you have some other horn board like Williams or MTH, here's what I'd do.


Use a low current reed relay like the Spartan 9000 to switch in a diode offset to the supply to any standard conventional horn board.  This will result in sounding the horn.  This takes 10 diodes like the 1N4005 and the relay to accomplish.  The relay is driven directly from the 5V logic signal, and the NO contacts short four of the diodes in one direction in the diode chain to create the DC offset to sound the whistle.

This is a good subject; I like ghood sound as much as the next guy, but I'm getting

to the point that when it comes to installing upgrades, sometimes I want to bother

with (and pay for) RS, and sometimes I just don't...


My last steamer ERR upgrade was my old - but pristine - Weaver Dreyfuss Century

Hudson with a PT tender. (The PT-antenna-adventure is another story.) I put in only the Cruise Commander - no sound, not even an Electrocoupler. The loco came with

no whistle, no nothing sound-wise.


No regrets, and I intend to do that more in the future. Sound is nice, but after I ran the loco, I - and some of my O-gauge friends - realized that the "Sounds of Silence" were pretty nice, also. I mean, the locos never leave the room, and the constant chuff/roar/

whatever can get tiresome.


So, ERR, could you offer a cheap (and I mean $20.00) "Whistle/Horn board"  - with

included small speaker - that plugs into the RS spot on the CC board? Skip the bell,

if you'd like (I seldom use it). I would simply like the loco to have a voice.


I won't pay for RS just to get the whistle, so the $20.00 board sale would be better than nothing for you. Of course, your costs are completely unknown to me.




Originally Posted by D500:

So, ERR, could you offer a cheap (and I mean $20.00) "Whistle/Horn board"  - with

included small speaker - that plugs into the RS spot on the CC board? Skip the bell,

if you'd like (I seldom use it). I would simply like the loco to have a voice.

Well, if you use a standard sound board and the $2 worth of parts I mentioned, you have your solution to this issue as long as you use an ERR Commander, either the AC/DC Commander or Cruise Commander.



Yes to silence some times. Our group has a major "I like sound" guy and he runs everythng LOUD! (It is mostly his layout so....) Sometimes a few of us really like to just see trains move and not rattle the house.......I am thinking this through on a few conversions I would like to do....sound or no sound is winning so far.



I'm not sure what folks charge for installation, I've always done my own.  Putting the basic board in is pretty easy, I spend most of my time customizing stuff like lighting.  For diesels, there isn't much effort, A Cruise Commander install can be done in an hour or so.  For steamers you have to deal with the tether and isolating the tender shell for the antenna.  Those run up the complexity at times.


Boxcar Bill does installations, you might ask him what a basic installation costs.

No problem at all, the Cruise Commander works great with one or two motors.  I have a number of diesels with dual motors and the CC, no issues at all.  The biggest choice you face is picking a sound you like.  There are only a few generic ones that ERR sells, but you can add a different sound board from Lionel, they have recently started selling a number of different sound sets in the parts department.


Other than having DC motors, there isn't a lot of restrictions on what you can install the Cruise Commander into, I've used it with old Williams stuff with no flywheels, it didn't notice at all.

Originally Posted by GCRailways:

I've never worked with the Electric RR upgrades, but eventually want to install them in all of my locomotives.  Glad to hear that you can keep your original horn/whistle, but would there be any way to disable the bell sound in the ERR module?  One of my locomotives is a British model, and therefore would have no bell.



Aaron, the bell is not compulsory, just don't press the bell button and it won't sound.

This is a great thread.

I have a bunch of Williams GG1's that I love and intend fitting with ERR Commander.

I have never thought sounds in an electric are very appropriate anyway.

I presume it sounds continuously on DC of the right polarity, right?  If that's the case, you could just switch the power with the relay and have on diode to create the DC.


One glitch here is the half-wave DC may drive it nuts, so it might take a sizable capacitor to smooth the DC from a single diode.  A bridge rectifier is another solution that might work better.

Originally Posted by Rick Bivins:

Boxcar Bill,


Just visited your web sight. I now know what I need (I think) and price. THANK YOU!


Now, two of my locomotives are MTH. Would the electronics being removed for conversion be worth anything? Do you buy them?


Thanks for the time.





   We don't deal with MTH, I am sure they are of some value. Contact GGG from here on the forum, he can probably be more help then I can. He is a MTH Repair Tech.



Originally Posted by Rick Bivins:

Gunrunner John, Boxcar Bill,


Could a sound board and speaker from a MTH locomotive be mounted in a building near a grade crossing on the layout and be activated from the cab 1 remote in any way when running TMCC locomotives?



  I have never tried it, I think it might be cost prohabited.



The PS/1 electronics can't really be activated using the CAB1 if it's in a building, it doesn't respond to TMCC in any fashion.  You could add something like the ERR ACC Mini-Commander to trigger the bell or horn function.


Rick, typically the PS/1 electronics can be worth $30-40, so they're worthwhile to list here and if they don't sell, on eBay.


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