Lots of factors are involved with body mounting.
First, S-curves of any kind must be avoided. Use numbered switches (#4 or #5 or Ross/Gargraves regular 11 degree) instead of O72 or O54 etc. for passing siding situations and yard ladders.
As far as diameters, O42 curves and 40 foot freight cars are OK in my experience. 50 footers will almost touch corners on O42. 50 footers should be OK on O54 and maybe O48.
Things are different when pushing cars in reverse. Wider radius is needed for switching moves (which is the whole purpose of using the Kadees for most of us in the first place!). 50 footer corners will definitely touch on O42 and probably O48 when reversing.
The O36 will take some experimenting. I'm guessing the 40 footers would be OK (barely) when pulling, but not pushing. I've never tried the long shank couplers, but they would have to help on tight curves. You would lose the close coupled effect though which is another neat feature of using Kadees.
I'd equip a few cars with the Kadees and experiment on your curves. That's the only way to be sure. A slight unevenness in diameter might make a big difference in spots with the tight curves. I had a few spots where my O42 had problems, and I had to readjust the track.
Remember too that there are lots of creative ways to work around the problems. You could make some 50' transition cars with Kadees at only one end to create blocks of the longer cars with regular knuckle couplers in the middle.
Or... as you mention, you could use truck mounting for the longest cars. It's not a good idea though to couple body mounted cars and truck mounted coupler cars together, particularly on tight curves.
Your tight curves will create some limitations, but there is no reason why you cannot have at least some Kadee equipped cars - at least enough for some nice switching operations where the Kadees will be at their best and will be well worth the trouble.