Key was not going to do a re-run until I keep asking him to do so. Lots of details had to be worked out, the least of which is getting the builder to agree to do it with the numbers that work for Key. This re-run was only a sure thing last week with the Builder and Key, although I was 99% sure it was going to happen. Did you tell you LHS that the model Key was delivering to him was not what you reserved. I had one modeler that also didn't want the Modified E1 and I'm going to sell it for him, or maybe keep it. He is getting one of the "As Built" E1's this Fall. Everyone else is going to keep the Modified version and get an "As Built" Version. I just hate to see you miss out on an engine that you wanted.
Believe me, I understand why you are not happy, as you know I didn't know the "As Built" E1 were not being built and neither did any of my customers. I understand why the decision was made to built the version with all the mods as that's how they ran for most of their life, but that decision should have been made know to all of us.
They will be here by December 2012, the builder is ready to start on them now and is only waiting for the final numbers. They may be $50 more per unit because the builder has to rent that machine that does all the forming and it cost the same no matter how many models are being produce. I'll be at OSW new year and will buy you a beer or two, maybe bring some of my son's Pipeworks Brewing beer with me. Great Beer. I would apologize for this if it was my fault, but I'm sure you understand it's not. We just had a total failure to communicate as Paul Newman said in Cool Hand Luke.
I would still like to do the SP Sunset Limited but can't get the reservations. Maybe after the CZ trains show up next spring we can get some action.
I'll also really like to do more of the UP passenger cars, like the 3 Budd cars the UP had, and a few more UP Sleepers.