I decided along with my 7yr old son, that we need some diesel power for our On30 roster. All I/we have at the moment is the bachmann 2-6-6-2 DCC/sound and the DCC railbus and trailer and 10 cars...we need more{of both}. I'm starting with a bachmann DCC GP40 and plan a "semi" prototyical body of a GE export class 91 NG engine{UM6B as I recall}...fits well over the chassis and looks nice too. Next project will be taking a bachmann SD40-2 and making a GE export UM10B of sorts, but with C trucks{6 wheel} but I'll finish this one 1st.
A quick study of the bachmann DCC board told me that adding sound won't be plug and play since there's no darn plug, so I got a tsunami AT1000 EMD 567 board to add sound to this puppy because the boy and I really like sound and he liked the sound on soundtraxxes site for that board...still need a speaker yet though. This isn't going to be by the rivet count nor will be the sound, so rivet counters be warned...you won't be happy here...this is for fun and our basic need.
Anyone wish to see it unfold....I won't waste board space if you don't, but would be happy to show the steps for those who'd wish to follow in this build or even inspire a build in they're own way from this. I love to inspire others and show new to kitbashing folks, "Hey, I can do this".