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the room I have to build a layout in has 3 doors that go to attic storage space. works great for the lionel & Mth Boxes laying around but doesn't work for giving me the whole room as a base for a layout. my question is this building a around the room layout has been out of the question because of the doors the trim height on top of the door is 48 inch's would that be too high for the main level of a layout ? that way the doors would still be able to open under the layout? If 48 inch table height is good then I can do a around the room type layout. I like big long trains seem to have more passenger trains than anything. right now I am doing a carpet layout. photos attached  the last photo is of a proposed layout I played with this weekend when I had time daughters B-day and all. was thinking of having a ramp down to a lower level but have no idea how to do layers in scarm











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  • New1: proposed new layout plan not sure of it yet
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Last edited by Jhainer
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thank you the old layout was 36 and it also was a table top type layout crawling under around thru not fun!! i'm by no means a big guy but not small either and climbing on top of and under and so on got old so out came the saw all and the layout is in the burn pit. thinking around the wall. most everything can be reached some can't like the whole left side is 45 inch's. I even at one point thought of cutting tunnels into the attic space or reclaiming that space by dry walling it and removing the half walls. but at some point. you just have to deal with the space you have


Thank you on the f3's I picked up 2 none running ps1 engines had 2 yellow bonnets both running so I swapped a shell off the yellow one to one of the red ones and made both red ones dummys so now I have a-a yellow bonnet one powered one dummy and a a-a red bonnet one powered one dummy reason I did that was I had no command control red bonnets. now I do here is the layout in the room at height can't see the doors as there under the layout the reason the 2 side walls are so short is the ceiling slops up at that height




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  • new1

Hi J,

I am guessing you want to come off of that run from the top and go lower on the left.


Here's your layers. You can clear out what's blocking your view.


A layer highlighted is the active layer. A layer checked is shown in the 2D view.


All is shown in 3D. Can't change that.


Uncheck room, accessories, and elevated leaving main and lower the only levels seen with Track lower highlighted. Anything that you add\delete\change will only be on the highlighted or active level. Remember to check which level is active.


I hope that helps. SCARM attached.


Last edited by Moonman

Ctrl+select all similar items cut, set layer active, paste. That grouped things. Then move the curve out before the elevation start. Select all elevated track, cut and paste to new layer.


There is a sweet spot to the right of the layer name that let's you change the layer label.


I tried to make a clean table for you hovering over the floor, but you have to make all of the tracks bridge tracks. I don't like that in 2D view.


The lower level may be a good spot to have another r-loop with a ladder to stage trains or just disappear and return.


carpet central looks good. Need to run trains at all times.!

Last edited by Moonman

My layout is Mianne and it's standard height of 40" + 1/2" plywood. For working on the top it is just about right. For working under the layout it could be at least 4-6" higher so I could roll around on my mechanic's stool without occasionally hitting my head. I can't do hands & knees any more, can get down but can't get up.


Depending on how tall you are I think 48" might be a pretty good height for your layout top. If you have kids they will need stools to stand on until they grow their to full height. My grandson is 9 and he can reach the top ok, but his reach isn't so good at that angle so I got him a couple of step stool things at Harbor freight that puts him up to about my height and he does fine on those. You might need a stool too, for easier reach of some things? That's not such a bed thing though, I have also used the stools I got my grandson a few times, or easier reach.


I have read many articles on HO layouts and they seem to like things at eye level or close to it so some of those are even higher than 48" and they think it's good at those heights. Sounds like you should be fine with the higher layout. 

My layout is about 45-48 inches high. It is an excellent height because you can sit on a chair or stool and be at around eye level. It gets you away from the "helicopter" view of your layout, AND... it easier to work on wiring and things under the layout.
Have fun!!
Last edited by WP

thank you guys that's what I was wanting to hear. yes there's some kids involved my grand daughter who is 3 and my son and daughter who are 14 but my son is almost taller than me LOL the lowest level (yard) will be at a height of 37 and the main level is at 48. then the upper level is around 55 the point of the 48 was to clear the attic doors which it will do in 2 out of 3 doors the 3rd door will open about 20 inch's just enough to put the train boxes in and out of it over the weekend when I started planning this concept of a layout since I don't have access to a truck all the time I bought 15 2x4's and 3 sheets of 1/2 MDF that should be a good start on getting the lower level built. strapping wood to the roof of my mustang probably not a good idea. With the space involved and my general novice in the hobby and the fact I like really long trains I wanted to make the loop as big as I could with possibility for expanding it . which I think I covered. most folks around here think 054-072 type layouts if I did that it just chewed up too much of the room. How the layout started I was tinkering with widths of the benchwork in scarm I wanted a station area of 2 main lines and an upper line behind it like I see in so many layouts on here. so not knowing the width I started playing to see what worked next thing I knew I had a dual reversing loop folded dog bone with the dual main line station area. but didn't want just 2 separate loops so tied them together with the elevation. but still wanted a yard to park these things in so figured I could do a hidden yard but last time I had no access to the yard and it was rather shallow in height so this time I gave myself almost 11 inch's from the yard level to the main level. the only thing I did not incorporate yet is my transfer table and I am still not sure about the hidden yard in the cubby hole might make for a hard time to the cars if they derail.  


Last edited by Jhainer
Originally Posted by Jhainer:

well some more progress .

Thanks for the photo update; you're making terrific progress.  Layout progress threads are my favorite.


Suggestion only:  When you add photos/information to your thread, use the "edit" function to change the title by adding something like:  "Updated 3/30/15" to the end of the original thread title.  Makes it much easier to follow the thread.


Thanks, again, for the photos.



Pingman I can't figure that out   but here's another update.


I left off last weekend with the lower level built and the ramp mocked up. today I wanted to finish the ramp from the lower level to the middle level so that required starting on the middle level to have the end height needed so I built the middle level by the ramp and started building the ramp down to the lower level. then tested it as designed in scarm it's a 3.1 grade a little steeper than I wanted but in the space it was the best I could do . lower level is at 37.5 inches the middle level is at 48.5 to clear the door trim at 48 inches  










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Was working on the lower level getting the wires dropped for the switches and figured I have another yard on the main level so make this yard for the engines. so I started placing items where I might want them. drew out where I wanted roads and grass and decided on a fence all around the area thought about scratch building it then thought of Brenan's or something's fence but then noticed it requires solder which I have never been good at so anyone know how tough it is to make those fences ? when I was done playing I decided to play a little more with the camera. so here's the results.





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Viewing a layout is better at higher than lower.    The trains look best at eye-level.   Then sharp curves and such are not so noticable.     I think you should have gone with 48 inches or even higher depending on how tall you are.    Also depends on how much you plan to reach in to uncouple cars and all.   


If the layout is not any higher than your armpit you can probably reach in for most things.   You can always stand on a stool to do work inside.   


I am 5' 6" and I find 48 pretty nice to look at and 54 inches is really great for me to look at but harder to work on.

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