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Let's do a little primer....

TMCC is short for Trainmaster Command Control.  It was Lionel's first system to remotely control trains equipped with TMCC components.  The "system" is comprised of a Cab-1 handheld device and a Base.


Legacy is Lionel's second generation/current command control system.  It also allows you to remotely control trains equipped with TMCC components as well as trains equipped with Legacy components.  This "system" is comprised of a Cab-2 handheld remote and a Legacy Base.


The TMCC system will control both TMCC equipped engines as well as Legacy equipped engines.  However, there are some new features built into Legacy engines that cannot be controlled by the older TMCC system.   However, Legacy engines will certainly do the basics (forward, reverse, horn, sounds, etc.).


The Legacy system will control both TMCC equipped engines as well as Legacy equipped engines.  The Legacy system gets the most of out of Legacy equipped engines (all the bells and whistles so to speak) and will also operate all TMCC commands on TMCC equipped engines.  Additinally, most feel that the Legacy system helps the TMCC engines run smoother.


Both systems will run TMCC and Legacy equipped engines without any additional hardware.  A TPC 300/TPC 400 is not needed if you intend to always run in command mode.  However, if you want to run engines that are not TMCC or Legacy (conventional), then a voltage regulating device is needed (TPC300, TPC400 or a PowerMaster).  Additionally, a TPC 300/400 CAN also be used to control TMCC or Legacy equipped engines.  So, for those of us who sometimes run conventional engines and sometimes run TMCC/Legacy engines, a TPC wired into the system works just fine.


Of course, there are other components that can be added in to control other things (accesories, switches, etc.) via your handheld.


So, to answer your question, what you have will indeed run Legacy engines.  It will also run TMCC engines.  It will also, with a couple of keystrokes, run conventional engines.


Hope this helps.

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