friday I had to remove a bad transformer and 1 ac wallwart neither one producing correct voltages as in 18 volts max only producing 8 volts.
had a spare transformer laying around so cured 3 issues at same time.
ross switch signal lanterns powered using the dc train variable speed rheostat.
another the ac output at 16 volts used to power the lionel bridge so can now raise/lower it and both red lights are now working also my 6 lionel bpc's and the dz 2001A data driver.
the last part was DC fixed at 16 volts for the dz 2500's.
so far all is well.
other than z-stuff anyone else I can use instead of?? or is there a cable system I can use??
received a reply from z-stuff,
seems the red flashing led means the switch motor has jammed reply answer below.
but a flashing RED means a jam and that the switch machine could not finish it's travel. Did it move the switch points against the rail? If the switch machine is mounted too close to one side, it will do what you describe. Loosen screws and move it away from that "far" rail or if the "near" rail then closer to it.
I had this issue with the new dz 2500 I installed and upon easing the tension on rails it cured it.
the dz 2500 single button switch controller when in straight mode answer,
I have a call into z stuff express as online says data driver is on back order email says its available so will await a live persons confirmation they have it in stock.
so far today affordable care act locked me out to online log on cell phone 4g lte been on 3g last 1 1\2 days finally corrected itself 15 minutes ago and hard line phone went doa for an hr!
have I been that bad???
hope some of this information is helpful to others here.