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I have a new-to-me Lionel 6-11224 Pennsylvania Lindbergh Special Atlantic Locomotive.  It is in pristine, never-run condition.  I purchased from an eBay seller that was selling a ton of sealed and displayed only items.  

The issue is that as soon as I touch the throttle knob on my Cab2 or take it out of neutral conventionally it throws the breaker and shuts down the Gw-180 transformer  

Has anyone else had this happen? If so what is the fix?


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A wire to the motor is likely shorted to frame. Another possible answer is the motor driver FETs are failed such that when it tries to go in a direction results in short.

Normally I would say also inspect for mechanical binding because a stalled motor would draw high current, however your trip of the fault happens so quickly, this more points to a more direct electrical short than the typical jammed and stalled motor situation.

Classic symptom of the DCDS-J failing.  The bad news is, these are no longer available.  The best bet is to find a competent tech to attempt a repair of the module.  Note that this particular Atlantic model is 10 pounds of something in a 5 pound bag, it's truly stuffed in there!  It's easy to get the shell off, but getting it back on without shorting something is another matter!

Note there's a lot of stuff crammed into that shell!



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  • mceclip0
  • 6101224001E6Atlantic460-01
Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

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