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I saw this thread on another forum and thought we could bring it over to here! What are some of your plans for your layouts this upcoming year. My three main goals are to scratch build the two yellow NS SD70ACCs, build a fleet of SD60Es and pickup an ATSF steamer and heavyweights. I also want to finish the majority of the landscaping on the layout.

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I start a new job in 2 weeks that involves travel so I'll be doing less with my trains than I would like in 2019.  So far, I'll be finishing up review work on 3rd Rail E6s shortly and then focusing on the F3 project.  For my own trains, I'll be mainly doing some maintenance work and operating at my 3 rail club, the Paradise and Pacific railroad.

Another goal is to go through my storage unit and thin the collection a bit to make room for better trains!

I am  using my Franklin Planner (can't stop, even though I have been retired for eleven years) to organize these projects:

  1. Repair the rolling stock on the bench.
  2. Send 4-8-2 to Mike Regan for repair and upgrading.
  3. Install more right of way signs and plant some cactus.
  4. Weather buildings.
  5. Sell some locomotives and cars.
  6. Replace all batteries in locomotives.
  7. Begin weathering my rolling stock.
  8. Add windmill and stock tank to the cattle pens.
  9. Run trains frequently.


Last edited by Number 90

Too funny to see this thread. I just finished up my task list for the rest of winter. My around-the-ceiling loops are working, and my 8' x 12' tabletop with elevated level is about 80% wired up and operational. Couple of a major to-do's include:

  1. Adding the command base
  2. Wiring up my PW coaling station and PW magnetic crane
  3. Adding yard lights, including my dad's old Marx floodlight that I just fixed
  4. Putting a finished edge around my elevated layout so it looks like girder bridging
  5. Scenery, scenery, scenery - utility poles, trees, bushes, ground cover, billboards, and people, lots of people
  6. Ballasting the track
  7. Adding engineers and firemen to about 10 modern engines that I bought before they became standard equipment
  8. Selling a few shelf queens and extra gear


Dan Padova posted:

Hinting to my daughter and boyfriend to speed things up.  I want the attic !

Hah, that's funny. I want my basement back, but I'm a good 10 years from that. I've got 3 ages 21-25 and another just 11.  When the 4th one came along and our basement subsequently flooded in 2011, the family made me take down the basement layout for more socializing and play thing space, and I put the trains in storage.

In 2015, with two in college and one soon to start, I noticed that we didn't really need all 4 bedrooms, so I started building a smaller layout. We added bunk beds in two other bedrooms for times when the house is full. I'm using the excuse that future grandkids will have a great train room to play in when they visit.

2018 was good for me as I finally finished my Lionel Dealer Display Layout, the 5x9 D-105.  One of those on and off again projects that took about 3 years. 

Other than many PW acquisitions I hardly bought any new trains in 2018. And I am totally happy! 

In 2019 I continue down my PW road as I start to plan another small layout. Rumor is it will be Super O track with a Space and Military theme.  

raising4daughters posted:
Dan Padova posted:

Hinting to my daughter and boyfriend to speed things up.  I want the attic !

Hah, that's funny. I want my basement back, but I'm a good 10 years from that. I've got 3 ages 21-25 and another just 11.  When the 4th one came along and our basement subsequently flooded in 2011, the family made me take down the basement layout for more socializing and play thing space, and I put the trains in storage.

In 2015, with two in college and one soon to start, I noticed that we didn't really need all 4 bedrooms, so I started building a smaller layout. We added bunk beds in two other bedrooms for times when the house is full. I'm using the excuse that future grandkids will have a great train room to play in when they visit.

You might consider a long and narrow layout along the walls of your basement so your kids can use the middle of the basement for other things. That was one of the reasons I built the layout that I currently have.

When my kids were teenagers, they would entertain their friends in the basement where there was a small TV,  and was, and still is, a sectional couch in the middle of the basement playroom. 

Now I have granddaughters 7 years old and 18 months old. The layout is fairly high off the ground (48 to 50 inches). The 7 year old jumps up on the sectional couch standing on it to play with the little people and critters on the train table.


With the help of member KEN-OSCALE in 2018, I have a design for my first permanent layout.  Spent the last 6 months acquiring the track pieces.  Set up a test layout on the basement floor for the holidays and made a few changes to the design to improve flow.  2019 will be the year to build the layout, including table construction, wiring, and scenery.  Other tasks include figuring out why the front truck on my Atlas SD-35 keeps shorting out, and installing cruise M in the two GP-30s and a Class A.

Last edited by jstraw124

Plans for World Domination in 2019...

Short term (over the next weeks/few months or so):

* Finish a track plan I'm okay with.

* Continue amassing the needed rolling stock, modding/converting as needed.

* Start painting some of the locomotives and some of the rolling stock.

Long term (hopefully before Spring or Summer):

* Start layout construction.

Will need to fit in my dual sport/vintage enduro motorcycling interests amid the above.

Lots to do.


Last edited by laming

Great thread, great Question, I, and my friends, now that I am fully retired, plan to finish my layout. From wiring already placed accessories, cleaning all the track, learning how to use Blue Tooth accessories like The Radio Station tower, learning how to set up routes with the Legacy System and do to my age, begin selling most of my older equipment as it’s time to thin down the collection.  It’s a great Hobby and I wish everyone on the forum a Happy New Year.  

i will sell some of my O scale (2 rail) stuff and buy some postwar steam engines. I have no steam locos. Maybe replace  (sold long ago) my 2055, 726, and at he end of 2019 acquire a 2020 and run it one year from now into 2020. Lol.

Layout work: set up my old catenary poles and electrify my medium sized layout once more.  Adding my plasticville and a multitude of saved (Lionel and Marx) towers is on the agenda. Bank my 031 curves as before, plus set up my train bridges.  

spend less time on the internet and build and run trains more frequently, gotta go it's time to practice this!

12:00 happy new year!



At this time last year, I had no idea I'd be spending most of November restoring an American Flyer K5 and documenting the process here on this forum.  I have no idea what 2019 will bring to my hobby activities, and that's just fine.  Right now, I'm looking forward to the first train show of the year, in March.  Ask me again, then!

Plan a new 8x11 shed for hobby room to build a couple modules.

Look for modular clubs in the area. Figure out it's too expensive to join, contribute, and keep up.

Look for garden railway clubs in the area. Figure out G scale is too expensive.

Reconsider O scale garden layout. Focus on garden. Discover no room for trains.


Build the shed. Use it for bench and test track for completing my NP work train for building Stampede Pass in the 1870's. Discover that's my new layout.

It's gonna be a good year. better than last.

Sell my railking and other non scale trains and buy MTH premier locomotives.  No steam--too expensive at this time in my life. LOOK for nice tmcc engines and reasonable priced proto 2 or 3 Diesel engines, mostly MTH, Lionel with legacy is also out of my price range. But always looking for bargains. 

Will concetrate on a few roads, maybe NS, UP, CSX. 

Why you ask why am I doing this.  I just like the details and looks of scale sized engines with nice detail. 


Coming soon, my for sale list on OGR. Keep a look out!

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