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I'm pulling an a premier aux water tender behind a premier Berk. On LOTUS rails, there is no prototype, so . As such, I'd like to light the tail light (?), when running forward. I don't see a DCS command to do so. If I choose, or run in, reverse, it does light. My guess is, I would need to download a PS2 file for a loco that was suposed to have an aux tender. Even then, I don't see a command on pg 120 of the user guide, that would do this. Is there a command/solution?


Finally! I'm at the point where the questions aren't "help, I can't run!"

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The tender harness is wired for reverse light. So you would have to see if the sound file had other light controllable via dcs Active.  Example ditch or markers as an example on a diesel.  Then you would have to change the wiring to that output pin.  Most likely the lights are not on for a steam file.  This would be something a tech could do easier since they have the bench testor to see what outputs are active, and know pin outs.  


Easiest for you would be a CV board to keep it lite. G

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