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Hi, Has anyone ever repaired a # 0103 E unit?  A print out of board would help me gain knowledge of this

E unit. Anyone have one to share? I have readings from W 1 to W 6 but have no idea of what they should be!  Does it go F N R or F R?  Horn works with DC power.     Thanks for any help. Art

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Yes I have repaired these.  Normally the transistor blows, easy fix.  TIP31 and 32.  On occasion the 4013 is bad.


103 DC E-Unit


C1 = 100 micro F 25V Power to Grd decoupler

C2 = 1.0 micro F 50V Pin 14(Vdd) to Grd decoupler

C3 = 1.0 micro F 50V Q1 Base to Grd decoupler

C4 = 1.0 micro F 50V Pin 11(Clk2)/Q1 Collector to Grd

C5 = 1.0 nano F (102) Pin 9(Data2)/lockout pad to Grd

C6 = 4.7 micro F 50V Pin 14 to Pin 10(Reset1&2) to Grd via R6

D1-4 = 1N4007 Full Bridge Rectifier          1N4007 1000V 1.0 amps Rectifier

D5 = 1N4007 to Q4/5 (TIP32) Emitter          1N48 70V 40 mamps Quick Switching

D6 = 1N4007 to Pin 14 (Vdd) via R1

D7 = 1Nxx to Q1 Base via R2

D8 = 10V Zener diode Pin 14 (Vdd) to Grd

D9 = 1N48 Q2 Base to Pin 3 (Clk1)/Pin 12 (Not Q2)

D10 = 1N48 Q3 Base to Pin 3 (Clk1)/Pin 12 (Not Q2)

D11 = 1N48 Q2 Base to Pin 1 (Q1)

D12 = 1N48 Q3 Base to Pin 3 (Not Q1)

R1 = 10k ohm D6 to Pin 14(Vdd)

R2 = 22k ohm D7 to Q1 Base

R3 = 22k ohm D7 to Grd

R4 = 67k ohm Pin 14(Vdd) to Pin 11(Clk2)

R5 = 220k ohm Pin 9(Data2) to Pin 12(Not Q2)

R6 = 67k ohm Pin 10/4 (Reset2/1) to Grd

R7 = 100k ohm Q4 (TIP32 Black) Emitter to Q2 Base

R8 = 100k ohm Q5 (TIP32 Red) Emitter to Q3 Base

R9 = 75 ohm Q4 (TIP32 Black) Base to Q2 Collector

R10 = 75 ohm Q5 (TIP32 Red) Base to Q3 Collector

R11 = 75 ohm Q6 (TIP31 Black) Base to Q3 Emitter

R12 = 75 ohm Q7 (TIP31 Red) Base to Q2 Emitter

R13 = 720 ohm Pin 13 (Q2) to Lockout switch Blue wire

Q1 = MPS A13 NPN Darlington Transistor on Pin 11 (Clk2)

Q2 = MPS A13 NPN Darlington Transistor on Q4/Q7

Q3 = MPS A13 NPN Darlington Transistor on Q5/Q6

Q4 = TIP32C PNP Bipolar Transistor C on Motor Black wire

Q5 = TIP32C PNP Bipolar Transistor C on Motor Red wire

Q6 = TIP31C NPN Bipolar Transistor C on Motor Black wire

Q7 = TIP31C NPN Bipolar Transistor C on Motor Red wire

4013 Timer

Pin 1 Q1

Pin 2 Not Q1 connected to Pin 5 Data1

Pin 3 Clk1 connected to Pin 12 not Q2

Pin 4, 10 Reset1 and Reset2 connected to ground via R6 and Pin 14 Vdd via C6

Pin 6, 7, 8 Set1, Vss, Set2 Grounded

Pin 9 Data2 connected to Pin 12 Not Q2 via R5

Pin 9 Data2 connected to ground via C5

Pin 9 Data2 connected to Lock Out switch via white wire

Pin 11 Clk2 connected to R4 to Pin 14 Vdd

Pin 11 Clk2 connected to Q1 Collector to Grd via Q1 Emitter

Pin 11 Clk2 connected to Grd via Q4 at Q1 Collector

Pin 13 Q2 connected to Pin 9 Data2 via R13 and Blue wire and Lock Out switch

Pin 14 Vdd to power via D6 and R1

Pin 14 Vdd to ground via D8 Zener

Pin 14 Vdd to ground via C2


Pin 3 Not Q2 Flops every cycle because Not Q2 connected to D2

Pin 1 Q1 Flops every other cycle because Clk1 connected to Not Q2 and Not Q1 to D1

Pin 2 Not Q1 Flops every other cycle


When Not Q2 is 1 and Q1 or Not Q1 is 1 respective transistor (Q2 or Q3) fires along with respective complimentary TIP transistors.  When Not Q1 is 1 Q3 fires for forward direction.


When Lock out switch on, Q2=Data2 and Not Q2 is fixed and Clk1 doesn’t change, so Q1 and Not Q1 are fixed.


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