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I'm looking to purchase my first Legacy loco, either a SW1200 or SW1. I remember reading somewhere about trouble running them on tighter curves due to the fixed pilots, but can't find any info about it. I'm not running any overly long freight cars, but would like to confirm that they can reliable pull a 50' boxcar around smaller radius curves without derailing. Thanks!

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@Rob W. posted:

I'm looking to purchase my first Legacy loco, either a SW1200 or SW1. I remember reading somewhere about trouble running them on tighter curves due to the fixed pilots, but can't find any info about it. I'm not running any overly long freight cars, but would like to confirm that they can reliable pull a 50' boxcar around smaller radius curves without derailing. Thanks!

FWIW- I have a pair of Williams engines 44 ton, and 70 ton with fixed pilots. Both can navigate my 027 curves with most rolling stock in tow. Most SW's are rated for 031 curves so you should be fine.
I've added weight to some cars to help keep the wheels on the rails.


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