John, I'm not sure what voltage the Trolley would need for it to go as slowly as your son wants.
Has anyone checked the output voltage from the 1011 set at minimum throttle to see what its doing? If it's somewhere around 6-10 VAC, I don't know what other train transformer to recommend.
If you happened to have a Varic lying around, you could plug the 1011 into it and set the Variac output voltage at somewhere around 80-95 Volts AC (maybe less). That combined with the 1011 throttle set to minimum should slow down the trolley enough. If you don't already have a Variac, buying a new one wouldn't be cost effective.
The only other option I might recommend would be adding a 2:1 Step down transformer placed in between the 1011 outputs and the track. That would cut the 1011's output voltage in half. To make the connections for the 2:1 step down transformer, you'd connect the 1011 positive to one of the step down transformer's primary leads and the 1011 common to the other primary lead. The secondary leads on the step down would connect to the track just like any other transformer. The step down transformer should be rated for at least 1.5Amps.
Also I wouldn't recommend a power resistor or diode array to drop the voltage, because those would produce a fair amount of heat depending on the values and configuration, maybe (or maybe not) enough to be a problem.
Maybe someone else has a better suggestion?