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Señor J. posted:
seaboardm2 posted:
Señor J. posted:

As much as I love my Lionel and MTH O-Scale trains, I've also developed a love for vintage Transformers (1984-86). As a result, many of the near-scale (1/43) vehicles I bought for my layout resemble cars and trucks from my childhood -- many of them being Autobots and Stunticons.

That being said, what I want is a real-world counterpart to Decepticon locomotive Astrotrain: a JNR D62 (a 2-8-4 Berkshire type in North America) steam locomotive.
JNR D-6220 with tender in HO ScaleJNR D6220 in HO Scale

While I don't expect to see this engine in "FedEx Purple" or with Space Shuttle engines behind the cab anytime soon, I'd still want to have this locomotive pulling my American style rolling stock... perhaps making off with a load of tank cars, or a gondolas loaded with Energon cubes. So far, the closest thing I've seen to a D62 is the Polar Express locomotive. All it really needs is some boiler deflectors at the front and it'd make an excellent substitute. I will say that while an authentic tender is nice, I'd personally prefer a more aerodynamic tender (like the Polar Express's) -- whether it had 4 axles or 6.

I'd also like to see Lionel or MTH build an O-Scale version of the Soul Train.
Soul Train logo, 1970s era
The style of the train seemed to change slightly over the years; this was the version that adorned the back wall of the studio/set for most of the show's run. On a Soul Train record album, the version printed on the record's decal most resembled a Greenbrier style 4-8-4, so I say Lionel should start there and work backwards. Considering that I've had the opportunity to buy "barbecue" and "bacon" flavored smoke for my locomotives (and Southern Rwy. caboose), I'm sure it should be no trouble to provide a pint of orange or pink colored smoke for this locomotive. With any luck, it should a smooth, sweet smell (mesquite? "sweet Italian sausage"?) when used. If a set of passenger cars is made to go with the Soul Train, at least one of them should have flashing lights in the interior, like a club car with a swinging dance party. I'd also like to have a car with a SD Card based MP3 player. (It would be best if the speakers are equipped in the same car, but there have been external "sound cars" before...) The collector/user would load the SD card into his phone or computer, drag and drop their music on the card, then install the card back in the train car. Then you have the hippest party on wheels.
Even the Soul Train theme song, "The Sound of Philadelphia", sounds like it belongs on a Passenger car. Maybe another car could be named after Don Cornelius.
(I've tried pitching this idea to both Lionel and MTH. I wish someone would take it up...)

500 Series Shinkansen Nozomi
In addition to being my favorite rail-based Autobot, this is also the Nozomi version of the 500 Series Shinkansen (Bullet Train). Unless it's been beaten recently, this is one of the fastest bullet trains in Japan. While it sounds like I'm asking for the world (literally), this train has been made in O-Scale. (The problem is, the retail price is about the same as a small used car!) It should also be no surprise that I'd like to run the TGV (the silver and blue Atlantique, or in its vintage orange) on Lionel tracks.TGV Atlantique, [still) the fastest train on Earth.

I hope my wants haven't drowned out the page. Let me know if some of my requests match your own.
     -- Señor J.

After all these years I thought was the only one to noticed the soultrain locomotive.Was base on a real world steam locomotive.Astrotrain is another favorite of mine.Although at first I mistook astrotrain for a britsh or french type locomotive.

It took me a good while to find a real-world base for the Soul Train. (If MTH can do the Coors 'Silver Bullet', why shouldn't someone make the Soul Train?)
Astrotrain was more of a challenge -- someone once guessed the wrong locomotive; the wheel arrangement didn't match up, plus JNR scrapped all 20 D-62 engines -- numbered "D 62 1" to "D 62 20". If Astrotrain were made, I'd want him to have the number "D 6248". (In Japan, Astrotrain's toy had the serial number '48' out of 49 Transformers sold in 1985.)

Its funny I used to thinnk  the berkshire type was american only.Turns other countries had berkshire steam locomotives.Not as cool looking as the american type thou.

Peter Araujo posted:

Amtrak P40DC/P42DC locomotives, an 18" P066-07 Baggage car for Phase V, and 21" Superliner cars from all new tooling.....

And let's not forget the Heritage units.


That would be neat. The Amtrak stuff is cool but I wish management went with a different design instead of the P42. It looks like it hit a cinder block wall.

Milwaukee Road Hiawatha passenger cars/steam locomotive

NYC Commodore Vanderbilt hudson- in dark grey (or red looks cool, too!)

Their new LionScale line looks like it could hold some really nice, relatively cheap (for Lionel) cars in six car sets. Maybe some steam era cars in that product line would be a good addition.

All you people who just say what you might like a manufacturer to produce are just wasting your time.  Some years ago I kept pestering Mr. Maddox, then president of Lionel, for a 4-6-0.  I didn't just ask but I sent pictures, drawings and any other information that could be useful in designing a ten wheeler. When I finally met him at a TCA meet he immediately recognized my name as the guy who wanted a ten wheeler.  We shook hands and he chuckled and suggested that I wait for the new catalog and I might be pleasantly surprised.  Was I surprised?  Well I had to stop turning somersalts long enough to order my new ten wheeler.  So my advice is if you really want something produced do the research and be more specific in your wishes.  And while you are at it please request a New York Central class Fx ten wheeler for me.   Odd-d   

A NYC Legacy Niagara

1. Class S-1a - #6000 was delivered in 1945.

2. Class S-1b (#6001 to #6025) or the last one delivered Class S-2 # 5500 because it had poppet valves and the others did not.

3. Because 6000 through 6014, then 6016 to 6025 and 5500 were all scrapped prior to 6/30/1956 would really like Lionel to build NYC Niagara # 6015 which was retired on 6/30/1956 from passenger service (#416). The last run, 7/2/1956, was freight service from Cincinnati to Indianapolis. 

These engines were beast running 6 days per week. Wish I was alive to see these in the rails. 

Mike, please make a new version.........will match nicely against my CCII unit.



I am not going to list a scale PRR T1 or a T&P "Texas" in AFT colors.  These require new tooling and I don't think we will see that for a while, if ever.

I would like Lionel to reissue its Legacy F3 Phase 2 (mostly) models in the as delivered scheme for PRR, and its Legacy PRR E6 Atlantic in post war colors.

Also, it would be nice if Lionel completed the TOFC series by releasing one for the Army.  I have the USAF, Navy and Marine TOFCs.  Lionel did issue an Army TOFC that had a olive green tanker trailer, but one with a colorful van like the others would be nice.

I am also hoping Lionel completes the AFT set of cars.  I've ordered the first batch and I hate to have them show up and no more are made.  (NOTE: the latest catalog clearly states the display cars are 21", contrary to what Mike R. has said in the past.  If this is really the case I will cancel my order.)


Last edited by CAPPilot

Lots of cool trains listed here, so here's what I want....


vision line steam: a correct Virginian 2-8-8-8-4 triplex, with the swinging bell, whistle steam, stereo sounds, and a new feature.... like operating pop off valves.

vision line PRR T1 in all 3 variations. With wheel slip sounds and all 4 cylinders having the steam effect. 

vision line passenger set: Santa Fe combined super chief/ el Capitan with die cast F7's with chrome plates, stereo sounds and an exhaust system that reacts with the prime movers like on the vision es44ac. And a station sounds diner that announces the actual stops on the route. Passenger cars would also have to have all of the accurate skirting and details from that time period. 

Legacy steam: A PRR s-1 duplex, skirted and unskirted. PRR n-1. 

Legacy electrics. New haven EP-5 with correct sounds and arcing pans. Amtrak E60 with same features. Metroliner in Amtrak, PC, & PRR

Legacy diesels: Amtrak genesis, Amtrak fp45, Long Island Alco c420 high hood in blue wave and red wave. Legacy Rs-3 in Long Island worlds fair sceme, and PRR hammerhead.

passenger cars: an accurate PRR trailblazer in the FOM sceme. Also PRR head end cars, amfleets, viewliners, & superliners. 

Freight: 89' open top and side auto racks, vision line coal hopper set in several roadnames. 

Theres more but that's enough for now. Can I have it all by Christmas!!!???? ������



The one item I forgot to mention earlier is I would like to see Lionel get ahold of the Western Hobby Craft trolley tooling and update the project with current electronics for operation and maybe even sound if space is available.

I suspect you will need to give up interior details for the electronic item, but I can live with frosted windows until technology comes along to offer interior details with sound and control.


CAPPilot posted:

 (NOTE: the latest catalog clearly states the display cars are 21", contrary to what Mike R. has said in the past.  If this is really the case I will cancel my order.)


I asked a Lionel representative at York what is the actual length of these AFT cars.  He stated the cars are the correct 18" long, and that the catalog's length of 21" was incorrect.  I was very happy to hear that, so now I'm looking forward to getting these cars.

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