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Hi all.   A friend just received the newly released 21" cars and also has a set of older 21" cars.   The prior releases all had capacitors installed which kept the lights on over switches and brief power interruptions.  The newer cars appear to not have them as the lights go out as soon as power is removed.  Here is a video showing the difference....

In the video the power is being interrupted.  As you can see the newer car which is on the left has it's lights go out, but
the older car stays lit during the power interruption.

Anyone else notice this change and when did Lionel change it?


Last edited by DaveSlie
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I'm not 100% sure but the old style cars IMO stayed on way to long and the in rush to charge the caps was ridiculous to the point of tripping breakers depending on the amount of cars.  Maybe try a small power interruptions rather than removing power all together.  It maybe a lot less charge so they don't hold as long.  How long do they take to fade when power is cut?  Might have done this to lessen the in rush.

Last edited by MartyE

These cars are my cars. I have several sets of Lionel’s 21 inch cars. It seems to me that .50 seconds of illumination after the power is cut is not excessive. My other 21 Lionel cars do not go out that fast as the NYC Dreyfus’s cars. The price of these cars keep going up and still Lionel can’t seem to put 8 or 10 people in these cars. Some of my 21 inch sets I have had to repair because of the flimsy packaging of these expensive cars. I have been collecting for 40 years and have over 60 complete Lionel set not including the MTH and other manufacturers. This is a small thing but it still a change in what they did before. This was a second power interruption by removing the negative terminal and then putting it back on the rail same as going over a switch.

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