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Dennis Waldron had new 2227T-30 slug relays in stock.  When he died his parts went to Trainz.  You should be able to get one from them.  If not, you should be able to substitute a WSR-1 whistle relay, but it would take some redesign effort. Keep in mind that the slug relay frame was insulated from the tender frame and is usually energized with center rail power.

Last edited by David Johnston

There are also modern electronic boards made by 3rd parties that are available for this also.  At least for the ones that drove the couplers, Teledyne relays.   These sent center rail power to the couplers.   The ones that drove the E-unit, Majic Electrol relays.  were providing a ground switch to the E unit to cause it to cycle.  I have both styles of tenders. 

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