I am a member of the Myrtle Beach Model RR club. One of our engines, the 6-28639 stopped working about a year ago. I am not that familiar with the electronic engines but decided to open it up and see what was going on with the unit. I found the only ckt board to be fried around the 2 large pwr transistors.
To my surprise I found the board on lionel web site. I ordered and installed it (6100103100/ alt 6100107100) after repairing the E unit bracket to be able to remount the board. I tested the engine and it seemed run fine and I was happy. I hooked up about 8 cars and started to test it some more. The engine ran about 10' or so and stopped. So I started it up again ran another 20' and it stopped again. I detected that burning smell again and took the engine shell off and sure enough it looked like the large transistors were maybe starting top scorch. so here I am looking for help.
Looking over the engine there didn't appear anything else was damaged. I am thinking DC MOTOR / W/GEAR / IGARASHI / SERIES 1 BERK JR (6208616103). Am I wrong? I don't see anything else. Am I wrong? Does any one have any knowledge about this problem. If any, question please ask away.
Thanks for all your help.