Dear Forum members,
I visited the Lionel booth at the last TCA York show to specifically view the new offerings of the 66' Modern Gondolas to 2 rail.
I was surprised to see they were offering the car in Graffiti schemes.
While I applaud Lionel for producing a well detailed modern freight car and I have 2 railing at least half dozen it begs the question is Lionel promoting a form of vandalism and would you purchase these new Graffiti cars ?
While some view this as a "art form" how would you like your auto or home adorned with this "masterpieces".
Also, since Lionel is viewed by our children and teens, is this sending a message that is is AOK to promote such habits.
Shouldn't this be left to be done by the modeler if he/she so chooses to do so.
Let your wallet tell Lionel if you approve of this. My O scale wallet will send a clear message-zero dollars to promote vandalism.
Thank you for your time. John