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Hey there Forumites

Here today to air out some small grievances and maybe be educated or enlightened at the same time.  While on the way to the April 2022 York Train Show I saw the actual Amtrak Acela on the rails and was in awe of its size and celebrity and it just so happened that after being in the Orange Hall for a while, my guy Chris from Nassau Hobby saw me and told me he had just the train for me.  I purchased the Acela on the spot, a total of 8 cars to the set.  I got it home and put it on the track, as I learned how it operated, I saw that this was not the train to be run and later taken off the layout, because of her length and the frailty on the drawbars, I realized once she's on the layout, she stays on the layout.  Good thing my layout is big enough.  The drawbars (male type) to the cars are frail and fragile at best, they are not to be connected and disconnected often.  While setting up the cars one (male type) broke off so I immediately ordered 4 of each male and female drawbars from Lionel and since then another drawbar tab has snapped off.  They don't connect well either.  Has anyone come upon this problem, how did you fix the situation and are there any recommendations out there that can help. I'm eager to listen and learn.  Thanks


Last edited by marshelangelo
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BRUCE !!  You're a life saver, I will replace the 2 male pin couplers and widen the slots on all cars and THANK YOU for the file with the tips for the rest of the trains little mishaps.  For a moment there i was wondering how I had over 100 views on this topic and nobody had an Acela with similar problems.  Again thank you, now I just have to replace the male pin couplers.  GREG

Gd Morning RickO, thanks for tuning in, I had assumed that this thread had closed last night when I was texting with Bruce Brown about the screwdrivers. Your knowledge is deeply appreciated as is his. I immediately ordered some small files and a set of small screwdrivers which hopefully will fulfill my needs but I’ll look into the JIS Set. Everything in this hobby seems to be based on screwdrivers, soldering guns, glue guns etc. if you didn’t have a lot of tools, you’ll soon be amassing some shortly. Thanks RickO, I’ll check it out on Amazon, that’s where my screwdrivers & files will be coming from.

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