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Has anybody heard anything about the scale cars Lionel is supposed to release to fit the autoracks? I need some scale mid to late 90's autos, pickups and commercial vans to run in some open top autoracks. I want to model like whats shown in the below pic. I opened up a Lionel rack so that I can run a few showing some nice vehicles. I want about 3 to 4 with this look just for variety.





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  • DSCN3618
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I see in the new MTH 2014 VOL 1 CAT THAT THEY ARE GOING TO PRODUCE SEVERAL NEW AUTORACKS IN CP, MP, CN and KCS. tHEY WILL BE IN THE 20+ long catagory. I have not seen the actial cars yet but MTH will have a long ways to go to catch up with the Lionel cars that came out at the end pf 2012.

Also if you received the MTH e=mail today with pictures of the cars the CN and KCS CARS ARE MISS ID.

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