I have updated a Lionel KW Transformer with a stud mount 14-amp diode. When I operate the whistle controller, the whistle operates until it passes to the second stop where the resister is added to the circuit. I tested the contacts, and I get continuity at the final stop at the rivets at the top of the switch. The resistor wire is 1.9 ohms. If I disconnect the resistor wire the whistle controller works at both stops. This problem persists on both the A & B side.
Starting Voltage 12 volts AC, at first stop voltage goes to 19 volts DC, then drops back to 12 volts AC at last stop.
I understand that the whistle controller is supposed to add 5 volts to the circuit at the first stop to activate the whistle relay and then shunt the 5 volt circuit to 1 volt to hold the relay at the second stop. When I check it with the oscilloscope and meter, there is no DC or added voltage at the second stop unless I disconnect the resistance wire. And since this problem is on both the A & B side I do not believe that this is an issue with contacts.
If you look at the second image on the oscilloscope you see that the AC voltage converts completely to DC voltage. Should the train should slow down when half of the AC voltage is clipped? Is this much DC voltage bad for the whistle relay?
This has been driving me nuts, and I need to figure this out. TIA