So I was looking more closely at the I1sa in the 2023 catalog. Specifically the ones with the long-haul tender. I think everyone is in agreement that this is former MTH tooling. I have one and they are nice models, but I have the short tender version.
What's got me wondering is that the tender that is pictured looks to be the one from the PRR 4-6-4-4 Q2. You can tell this because of the extremely large coal bunker. That makes it a 180F84 model tender.
MTH was guilty of this too. AFAIK they used the same tender on the Q2, J1a, and I1sa, so you know, no big deal. But I wonder what that means for the MTH Q2 tooling. Did it also go to Lionel? Additionally MTH just announced a run of J1as a few months back. Are there maybe two (or three) copies of the tooling for the 180F84 tender they used with those?
Anyway, I know people complained quite a bit about the lack of a 210F84 behind the J1s on each release (though it's most glaring error was the 5th driver being "tucked" under the firebox). Were 180F84s used with the I1sa? I know that 180F82s were used, but those are the 12 wheel coast-to-coast tenders that look like the ones that ran with M1as and M1bs (210F75). I know the 16 wheel tenders were used with the Hippos too though, here's a picture of one.