I purchased a Lionel sound car - L2128170 - HALLOWEEN SOUND CAR for a Halloween display I am building and was wondering if there is a way to add a volume control to the car. The car has an on and off switch and is powered by 9 volt battery, I have tried a couple of things to lower the volume ( moving the speaker adding foam baffle etc) but with limited success.
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You can put a 50 ohm rheostat in series with the speaker, that will work quite well in allowing you to lower the volume.
Thanks, will try that.
Here's how I remote controlled some of the sound boxcars.
Remote Control for Lionel Sound Boxcars
Another Remote Control Sound Car Upgrade
I searched for volume control for battery powered cars and followed John’s advice above. Love this forum and very grateful to John for his insights. Just received my 50 ohm pots to dim the din coming from my Lionel NY Central battery powered cattle car (6-26795). (DigiKey 203774). As John suggests, it reduces the volume when maxed at 50 ohms - however to me it’s still way too loud. I added a second pot in series, also 50 ohms, and that helps. Next step is to buy a 50cent 200 ohm resistor and use that instead of the pots. I want the cattle car to be cute instead of annoying. People should lean toward it, not cover their ears and frown. I’ll share the results here!
Just use a 200 ohm pot, then you can tune the audio level.
Even 180 ohms was too loud! Video attached with / without 470 ohm 5 watt resistor. I’m happy with the 470 ohm result.
If you use a 470 ohm pot, you can crank up the volume for special occasions.
You could also go deluxe.
Remote Control for Lionel Sound Boxcars
Another Remote Control Sound Car Upgrade
Along this line of questioning, I just got the latest visionline PFE 3 pack sound freight set, and the volume pot is not under the ice hatch, I can see it leaning far to the side. I was going to remove the cover and re-glue or attach the volume board and adjustment shaft, but I cannot see any screws on the bottom that hold the top on. It works fine as is and controllable by the cab2 for volume control, but it would be nice to have the mechanical volume control in the right location. Anyone ever take that freight sound car apart before?
Thanks in advance