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Hey everyone, I got the 2127090 Cardinals diner car. I have an issue with it shorting out on the track. The sounds and lights work when stationery. When getting it to move, I can move it about a foot before the transformer breaker (MTH Z-4000) trips.

When doing a rolling test by hand, I am seeing a couple sparks coming from a wheel where it sits on the rail. There is a hint of a smell like the wheel got hot or something.

I currently do not have a video or picture at the moment, but I will be testing it later this evening.

I have a spare replacement truck that I was going to use for a different project, but it wasn't needed for that; if it's just a bad truck I'm going to replace it, but I wanted to hear from the forum to see what other recommendations I should try or to see if anyone has had this issue with any of the cars issued from this set or from the Valley Flyer set or other sets.


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