We arrived at the TCA Museum today shortly before the Lionel presentation after a long drive from Maine. Boy was it raining.
Lionel presented the Gold PE Berkshire, Gold PE Coach and Blue/Maroon standard scale version, American Flyer PE set, M1A Mountain, Heavy Mikado, weathered Y3, 85 ft. box cars (very nice), and talked about their new plug and play accessories.
What was nice to see is Howard Hitchcock started the Lionel presentation and then stayed to assist Matt & Jay Don with the products. He stayed after the presentation to answer any questions. What a refreshing change for a Lionel President.
I asked Matt about the 18" aluminum passenegr cars and two sets will be shipped in the 4th Quarter of this year and the rest will follow in the 1st & 2nd Quarters of next year. I will get a clarification tmorrow as to what sets will go out this year.
It was a very professioal presentation.