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I've clean a lot of used Lionel tubular track with WD40, small wire brush, old toothbrush and a lot of old rags. After cleaning I'll follow up sprays of electrical contact cleaner as a wash.

Easy? Kinda but time consuming. I've used a lot of it on my current layout (switched from Atlas track) and the trains run like a champ on it.

Oxalic acid solution cleans off rust really well. It comes in granular form and to be mixed with water. I have used it to clean aluminum antenna parts to bright and shiny. I don't know how it would behave on Lionel tubular track painted ties...might not be good for them...might be ok.

There is a product called Evaporust available a auto parts stores like Advanced Auto Parts or Auto Zone. I have some and I am going to try it out, but haven't yet. I have heard that you should soak the track in it for several hours and then wash it off. After that, put it in a regular kitchen oven for one hour on 100 degrees. I have not tried that yet, however.

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