I recently purchased a beautiful Lionel UP F3 ABA set #6-24552 on ebay. It ran for 15 minutes, then slowed down and finally stopped. After a few minutes rest it ran again for 10 min and then slowed down and stopped. The rear motor appeared to be struggling to turn while the front motor would not turn at all. The front motor is hotter than the rear. This all while in conventional mode using my trusty 275 watt ZW. No TMCC. The seller suggested I try running it in TMCC mode, so I hooked up my older CAB-1 command base and powermaster, but while the engine could be programmed, it would not move after that. Yes, all the switches on the powermaster and engine were in the correct positions. This engine does have Odyssey, but I don't have a clue about that. It will run using just the CAB-1 and powermaster in conventional mode, but again stops after 10 - 15 minutes. I took it to a local repair man who took it to his friend at a Lionel Service Station. Neither person could get the engine to even move on a layout (loop) in conventional or TMCC. It would however run on a test track (open ended). They called Lionel who was unable to offer any help and wanted the engine sent to them. I have at least a dozen other engines Lionel, MTH, K-Line, Williams) that run without any problem. I have a simple 50 foot loop of Fastrack around the outside wall of my basement. No switches. Is there something special about this set or the Odyssey boards in this engine that prevent it from running in conventional mode or using a CAB-1 and powermaster (original version) ?
Any help is appreciated.