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All, I have been bitten by the vision line bug. (This is only a joke.) The only way that I can get some relief is to look for a vision product!  

Anyway, I have a few questions concerning a vision cattle car.

1. Is only the Pennsylvania version vision, or is the Union Pacific version vision as well?

2. How much should I expect to pay for one? I have seen prices all over the place, both high and low.

3. Is it truly worth a max of $200?

Thank you for your time,

Santa Fe 3751.

Last edited by Santa Fe 3751
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The visionline cattle car is really neat. Although its the size of a 6464 Box Car, it is Pa exclusively.  The sounds are loud and clear and very authentic.  Its a crowd pleaser and if you run this in a long train, you can turn on the sounds and know exactly where the train is at all times.  This and the Billboard car are exceptional values.  Go VisionLine and your will be buying great merchandise. Sorry to hear of you health condition.  Thanks for this thread.



I have three of the older sound stock cars that QSI marketed years ago. They made versions for cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, and the cars work very well. I've had a Lionel TrainSounds stock car at one time, and it wasn't as good, in my opinion, and I've briefly heard the Vision version. I got all three of the QSI cars for less than half of what a Vision car costs, and I don't need to hear a cowboy tell the cows to get out of the car. $200.00?! Cows mooing is cows mooing. While you can vary the volume on the Vision version, and while the Vision version value varies depending on where you buy it, the Vision virtues aren't enough to warrant the price, but that's just my view. 

Last edited by breezinup

Thank you all for your input. I am interested in purchasing one of these cars (either PRR or UP) if there is one for sale, (email in my profile.) But I have some more questions.

1. Does the Union Pacific stock car have the "get along now" talk and such?

2. Are there electrocouplers on both ends of either car? Edit: answered by Chuck above.

Thank you.

Last edited by Santa Fe 3751

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