Can any one tell me where this wire goes it was off inside the tender . It's from the tach sensor .. It's a black wire. I was just going threw it and I wanted to sell it ..
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I don't know, but it looks like plain wire exposed so it looks like it would go in a wire nut. May have to ask Lionel. G
Can't talk to techs anymore by phone everything works but the rear coupler . When I power the rear coupler with another power source it works .. The wire puts out 1.8 volts so it's not a ground . Anyone that has one could just lift the lid off and take a picture would help me .. You don't even have to remove the tender shell to see the insides of the tender on this engine .
Where does the wire come from?
I believe it to be a ground wire that should connect to J6-3 on the main board below.
I got this resolved thanks bob ..and I got a email from Lionel today to they confirmed what bob told me .. It goes between the pink and yellow wire it's suppose to have 2 black wires coming out of that pin this one pulled out of it somehow. I like to thank everyone that helped me ..
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