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@TrainHead posted:

Does anyone know, on average, how many of these high-end engines get manufactured and bought?

With all do respect, and in case it's not obvious, Lionel (and MTH, Atlas, Bachmann, Menards, Weaver, Williams, ** fill in the blank **, etc.) don't share, and have never shared, this kind of info, or any sales numbers of any kind, with anybody.

It's a top-secret, marketing-and-sales, competitive-issue thing.

Can this info be rooted out?  Yes, probably, with a great deal of detective work, which no one here on the Forum has yet done as far as I can tell.

So, realistically, don't expect to find the answer to your question, unless you're prepared to conduct the analysis and compile the results yourself.


@TrainHead posted:

Do you know how long it takes between runs for a  popular engine (same road name) to get produced again? Who on this form has a friend in the Lionel Design and Production Department???

That is widely variable. It's seems clear that Lionel has no fixed time set for repeats, so noone's going to be able to tell you that information because there's no particular time established. It would seem that engines that turn out to be very popular, based on how quickly they sell out, would factor into it, but obviously that's unpredictable, including by Lionel.

Last edited by breezinup

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