the bus was a gift from my brother.
My nephew gifted this Steelers bus to me at my annual train party for the entire family. I painted up some figures in Steeler colors. The scene is supposed to represent a road trip for the fans
- walt
Dorothy and the gang have recently been sighted in Warrenville
For more of Warrenville's most notable citizens please click here: Some Notable Citizens of Warrenville (
Make sure the next local takes them to the yellow brick road.
@Tranquil Hollow RR posted:Make sure the next local takes them to the yellow brick road.
I thought about that, but they left the Yellow Brick Road behind in Oz.
Time for new adventures in Warrenville!
Contemplating the need to clear-cut a lot more acreage near the local state park before twilight, our intrepid logger steels himself to face the task . . .
. . . while others on the crew continue to clear the undergrowth . . .
. . . and a lot of their previous work remains to be cleaned up:
Within minutes, the cops show up, the union shows up, two guys from the mob show up, and a subway fan (where did he come from) show up to discuss the newly arrived cars.
EDIT: I actually did a series of photos, this one is #3.
@trumpettrain posted:
Great scenes Pat! My layout is somewhat lacking in population. I do have some specific scenes populated; but my station platforms are empty.
Are Big Jim Slim and Teapot still heading up your MOW crew?
@Tranquil Hollow RR posted:Are Big Jim Slim and Teapot still heading up your MOW crew?
Why yes indeed they are! Thanks of remembering my story which appeared in OGR magazine one year ago!
It was a well written and unique story.
Picked up perfectly sized horses and riders at Petco last night. $12.50 for 8 horses and 2 people, all painted - thought it was a good price so bought 2.
Will need some riders for my small town parade I have planned eventually. Until then, they’ll be free range riders.
Has anyone seen the Sorefeetz Brothers?
@Jim Teeple posted:
Woolworth’s, now that’s a blast from the past Jim. Who made the structure?
dont remember it is one of my kitbash storefronts, the Woolworth sign is added.
Busy weekend activity across from the train station...a mix of little people brands...mostly 1/43 scale...
I’ll play:
Jim Teeple, Very nice scenes and excellent detail work. Bill
Today's creation for our work-in-progress "J" Tower interior by my former French horn student and now Thursday and Sunday morning train layout friend, Ms. Zora Maya Keith.
Also, for our future, scratch-built, luxury hotel, the Z lady worked her painting magic on the hotel's Bell-Man. Note the gold buttons on his deep red uniform and the detail on the luggage.
This lady can PAINT!!!!!
@Craftech posted:I love that Jim.
Who makes the F.W. Woolworth Co. Store?
John it is a total kit bash, the Woolworth sign was a separate item from many years ago ?
@Jim Teeple posted:John it is a total kit bash, the Woolworth sign was a separate item from many years ago ?
Nice work Jim. It looks great.
@Whit MLink to Plasticville Collectors Association posted:
Thanks for posting these photos,
The Plasticville brings back memories of my 1949 layout, all buildings were Plasticville.
Maybe someone like you with lots of Plasticville could start a topic
" Show us your Plasticville "
Link to Plasticville Collectors Association