We have a Lionel 6-38028 Pennsylvania S-2 Steam Turbine Locomotive (released in 10/2001) with TMCC and Odyssey. The owner uses TMCC exclusively, and all the loco’s usual functions work correctly from the Cab 1-L except one. It seems locked in only one speed, namely full. Not the fastest runaway speed where it would roll over on the first 0-72 curve, but rather the fastest an adult would want to run it with five or six aluminum passenger cars in tow. When addressed, the loco comes on stopped, but at the first turn of the red knob, it goes directly to the “full” speed above. When you then turn the knob CCW, it goes directly to stop. I think I have tried everything I know to do in the TMCC mode to recover speed range, but to no avail. Is this behavior something the owner could have inadvertently set in conventional mode when he might have had the command base off or disconnected? Any thoughts?
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