Replies sorted oldest to newest
Bingo, How much room do you have? How big is your layout? Could we see some pictures? Will this be on the main level of your layout or underneath it? Pictures would be helpful.
There is a vendor on ebay that sells subway wall prints and complete 3D paper models of subway stations. The backdrops are really nice. I probably would not use the paper columns - would use Plastruct instead. Here is one link, but check his other items. He has many styles.
You can also try Crescent Locomotive works. He built a Grand Central subway station for me a number of years ago and I felt his price was reasonable.
Don't forget about NYC Transit Subway Signals.
Intregrated Signals
There is a vendor on ebay that sells subway wall prints and complete 3D paper models of subway stations.
The built-up looks really nice. Now all we need is an electronic smell generator