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Thanks Marty..........New developments........Here is where I am at.

I received and installed from George  -  MTH BF0000050 speaker into MTH S2 switcher 20-2500-1.

It is a 4 Ohm 3 Watt speaker.  Engine running and sounds very nice.


About the same time I received an order from MTH with speaker BF0000040.  This speaker is 8 Ohm 2 Watt.  MTH claims this speaker is correct.  When pressed they indicated either would work.

Both speakers are the same size physically.

I'm not sure what to think...............opinions?



When you move up in ohm rating for a speaker you move in the safe direction but lose volume as the speaker higher impedance limits current flow through the speaker hence (Power/Watts).  So lower sounds.

Going to low is in the unsafe direction and can damage the audio amp.

16 ohms was PS-2 5V

8 ohms was PS-1 and Loco Sounds and some accessories with sounds

4 ohms is PS-2 3V and now PS-3. 

For some of these specialty speakers in smaller PS-2 3V engine I have seen 8 ohm versus 4 ohm speakers.  I imagine it was supply issues. G

Last edited by GGG

Thanks George

MTH did mention exactly that......probably supply issue at the time of production.

So they say 8 ohm 2 watt is the correct one but the 4 ohm 3 watt works very well and I would not want any less sound.  Clarity is also excellent.

MTH also advises that the 4 ohm 3 watt is "currently unavailable".


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