Oh boy. This is nuts. I can't seem to keep my hands off Marx stuff. I got this CV in the mail from a guy in Onterrible off of Yeetbay. It's messy but I think I can make something of it. It seems to have had a very very rough past life, with bent axles, super heavy play wear and so on, not to mention the dirt and grime, but it was someone's #1 at one point.
When I was looking at the listing, I glossed over it quickly thinking "oh, another CV set that'll be bid out of this world..." Then I got to looking. CV side plates but a little lever out the top like a clockwork brake. But side plates so no clockwork. Manual reverse? I emailed Papa Steve on here and he had mentioned that there was a manual reverse motor, but he had only seen it in his M10000.
So here it is. In pieces because I washed the body off.
Should I repaint it? (leaning towards that) or just fix it and keep it ratty? It's way worse irl than in the pictures.