The guys have given you a lot of good advice so far. You said that with 3 cars it will make 6 laps, and with 4 cars it will only make one lap of your circle. I assume this is O27? The number with 3 cars is a bit low; on this old video of my first trainset running, the loco with 3 cars made it about 7-1/2 laps:
There is one quirky thing that can happen to Marx governors that will cause them to stop prematurely, especially under load. The die cast weight can deform over time, letting the end of the little wire touch the drum of the governor as it slows down. This effectively puts the brakes on the motor and will cause it to stop, instead of slowing down abruptly. This example shows the governor in detail, and the end of the mechanical pencil is pointing to the end of the wire contacting the drum:
I know you cleaned the axles, but did you check the car frames to make sure that they are straight, and not dragging on the car's wheels, especially going around the curves? The Marx frame has a small embossed area around the hole, and that is the only area that should touch the wheel... otherwise, it will have a lot of drag, and will affect the run time of the windups. It isn't unusual to find the area around the wheel bent and dragging on the wheel.
In my experience, it is rare for a Marx mainspring to lose it's tension and require replacement. I'm not saying it can't happen, but it doesn't happen very often. Usually the problem is friction. So, even though the motor is clean, make sure that there aren't any carpet fibers or pet hairs wrapped up in the axles, gears, or governor that could drag it down. I suspect that motor has a sparker, so try taking the arm completely off (if you haven't already) and make sure the shaft for the sparker wheel is well lubed, as it can really affect run time since it spins so fast.
Final note - like their electric counterparts, the windups work better as the size of the curves increase. I have an O42 mainline on my present layout, and I'm planning on an O54 mainline on the next one.
And remember, windups don't have to be weak:
Let us know what you find...