Lots of good information is being brought up. I was moved to look in my Collias book and it’s interesting that F-7s regeared for passenger service were sometimes run with E6’s and E-8’s. Those F-7s received passenger paint schemes. The T&P certainly did it their way. Collias states in regard to the Eagle streamline consists that “...no observation cars were ordered by either T&P or MoPac.”
The author also shows a real attractive modernized business car, No. 2, with almost a Harriman roof and a full back porch. That would make a great tail end car that would satisfy our obsession with an obs car and would be accurate. T&P had a roster of “...five near identical cars for official use.” The photo is on page 153. I’d post it but I’m unsure of the legality...
This photo is of me in 1994 with the business car Ellesmere which was then at the Pate Museum of Transportation in Fort Worth. Does anyone know of its fate?