Epic Failure on Painting the Red Striping...Update
I have spent the past few days fixing my Oops's. This is as good as it will be, other than stripping the body down to the plastic and starting over, and that ain't going to happen. Using a #00 paint brush and magnifying goggles I was able to get things back to where they should be. Is it perfect? No. Is it straight, Yes. Am I pleased with the outcome? About as well as could be expected. I did have to get up and walk away a few times, just 'cause I was having to re-paint it.
Anyway, Here's a couple of pictures of the finished product.
After I put the final coat of clear back on that side of the car. I taped up the other side using the orange hobby masking tape from Hobby Lobby. I ensured I only applied pressure to the painted edge of the tape. I once again layed out the tape using my machinist ruler using the lower scribe (red/gray) line as a reference point. Then I painted the stripes. I rinsed out the paint cup and then pulled off the tape very very carefully.
I was saying a lot of prayers that I wouldn't pull off the paint. I was very pleased with the results. A laser straight line with a few bleed throughs. But those can be cleaned up with my X-acto knife. After touching up some other areas, the whole side will get another coat of matte clear. Here's the after painting result.
More to follow in the next few days.