Well, my idea of building a small layout for my grandson isn't working out very well. The Murphy bed frame is only 5'x7' and that's too small for a nice layout. And I am going to need the Murphy bed frame to serve as a bed for visiting relatives when my Mom turns 100 in June.
So the Murphy bed train layout will be taken apart in the next few weeks. I could set it up in my garage but it would be hard to keep it clean out there. There's so much wind whistling through when the garage door is up. Or I could put it in the attic. The attic is floored and it's easy to walk around up there.....and I have a permanent staircase to it, but there's no heat or air conditioning. Someday I'll build a playroom in the attic but I can't afford it now.
So here's my question: if I setup my layout in the attic (where the track plan could be much bigger) and cover it with a tarp/plastic sheet when I'm not using it (to keep it clean), will the heat ruin the trains? Temps can rise to 100 degrees in North Carolina and the attic would be even hotter. Will the plastic cars and MTH houses warp? I don't suppose the winter cold would be as much of a problem as the heat.