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What a poor design by Lionel are these trucks with wheels keep falling out with the plastic plastic insert that holds them into the truck. Sure one can gently squeeze the truck frames in but be careful because they easily snap off. Anyway is there a secret to getting the wheels back into the plastic insert before ripping out all of my hair

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The trick to these is you need to pop out the plastic bearing strip to remove/replace the wheels. Look carefully right above the journal box. You will see a cut-out where the bearing strip tang catches there. There is one above each wheel. use a small bladed screw driver and push in on the tang. it will pop out. Usually only one needs to be released and the whole strip will drop out. When re-installing, be sure the catch on the strip snaps into the cut-out on the sideframe. If not the whole thing will drop out or the car will ride lop-sided. If the wheels still drop out, the strip is damaged and will need to be replaced. The part is readily available.

Last edited by Chuck Sartor

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