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I am running MTH Bombardier model Bi Level passenger cars on on fastrack. I keep getting derailings on 072 curves and even on straight stretches sometimes.They are also terrible going through fastrack switches and jumping regularly.Track is clean and clearance seems fine , nothing close to track.

Any ideas on remedy other that  relegating to shelf queens.


Last edited by Al B
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Need a little more info to be helpful.  Are all passenger cars weighted enough?  Is it always the same car that "jumps" (E.g. is it always Car #303)?  Or, is it always a car in the same position in the train (e.g. first car after engine, third car after engine, last car of train, etc.)?  Or, do derailments only occur when running clockwise (or counter-clockwise)?

I assume these are Premier cars, but product numbers might be helpful.  Also, have you looked closely at trucks and truck mountings?  Any coupler issues?


Not familiar with these cars or have ever read any issues on them. Things I would check.

Make sure the trucks pivot freely. Sometimes the wires can restrict movement.

Make sure the couplers pivot on there mount and spring easily back to center.

There was a recent thread on gauging wheels. You can make up a simple gauge to check them.

  Test each car by pulling it slowly with another through your turnout. Then maybe put them in another consist one at a time and see if it’s just one car. Hard to believe the whole set has issues.

Well it isn’t any one car. Trucks seems to be making contact with mounding piece under car.

Trucks move freely when upside down but when on track with weight on they have difficulty on curves. I could remove the plastic nub causing problems… might do that on one car.

Wires do not seem to be problem , lots of flex.

I will take recommendations to test each car . Perhaps trucks need adjustment. They do not seem to pivot back to center.

The body is very close when sitting on track.

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