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Much to my dismay, when I got my MTH Consoldiation out this fall and went to run it, the fan motor was seized.


Yesterday I found the thread on pulling the motor apart and cleaning it, so I got brave and gave it a shot.


Well, the motor runs and spins the impeller, but the smoke doesn't billow out like it used to.


Would installing the endbell of the motor backwards cause the motor to run backwards? My DC motor theory is escaping me at the moment.

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Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Marty is right, MSRP on the smoke motors is $6, no reason to spend a lot of time trying to get one to work.

Don't suppose you would happen to know the part # for these? That is, I take it they are common to most MTH engines, or are they all different?


Got some wicks a couple weeks ago, sounds like a few of these would be good to have to on hand as well.  

Last edited by rtr12
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

The whole part number is BE-0000041-5, they come in 5-packs.  I can sell you one or two if you don't want five of them.


If you can spare them I will take a 5 pack, if not how about just a couple? I will email you tomorrow. May need some more parts too (from other thread about RS-3).


And thanks NJCJOE also.

Last edited by rtr12

Thanks guys. I have been unable to source a new motor. Even with the part number nobody appears to sell them online, and I can't call MTH because I'm working when they're open.


Anyway, the motor is turning in the right direction.


I found the problem: When I originally pulled the smoke unit apart, I pulled it completely apart in my ignorance. The wick went "SPROING!"


When I packed the wick back in, I plugged the air hole so the fan couldn't blow through the smoke chamber.


I took the fan motor back off and used a piece of stiff wire to open a path for air to move through the smoke chamber, and it is blowing pretty good again.

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