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I'm stuck Tried your suggestion setting Master to MTH and it seemed to work, accept for #3 Wifi unit.  But app, while seeing the MTH network didn't pick up any TIU's?

If the Subnet Mask on each Wifi unit was set to blank, due to my stupidity, how do I correct that?  Or does it need correcting?

You need to go back to "square 1".

My suggestion is that you call MTH and ask a tech to help you reset all 3 WIUs back to their true factory settings.

Then, set the WIUs up in a basic configuration without doing any fiddling with settings. That will establish a baseline before you modify anything that you shouldn't.

Further, unless you have a high confidence that you understand how things work, stay away from LuCI in the future, except for firmware updates. While adjusting settings may allow your WIUs to come online a bit faster, the down side is, as you

You've learned, the hard way, that by using LuCI to adjust WIU settings, you can cause serious self-inflicted problems.

GHD posted:

The system is not finding the TMCC engines on a refresh. I hope you don't have to readd them each time. What am I missing? I haven't memorized the book yet.

The app does not "read" TMCC / Legacy engines into the active list. If you have already added them, they should appear in the inactive list. Click "edit" in the upper left corner, and then drag the desired locomotive up to the active category using the triple line symbol to the right of each engine. Once you have moved a loco up to the active category, press "Done" in the upper left corner.

Using the refresh button will send all TMCC / Legacy locos back to inactive status because they cannot be read and will not be found. Only DCS locos seem to be loaded automatically.

Thanks. I guess I found the answer in the book too. Good thing I don't run many tmcc engines. I've been impressed so far with the system finding the engines on the layout. I knew I had quite a few engines on my layout, but not as many as the system found. That is a nice feature of the system, being able to see the complete list. Good thing the wife doesn't know how to use the system!

I see on page 62 that you can manually move an engine between active and inactive. Is this required for tmcc engines? 

Yes, and also for DCS and TMCC/Legacy lashups. Just like the DCS Remote after a READ.

DCS Book CoverThis and a whole lot more about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 1st Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!
Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

Thanks Barry, now that I know how it is supposed to work I checked it out on my MTH engines and it is fine. However, last night when I posted this question, I was operating my Lionel challenger. So I tested that tonight and can tell you that the color code doesn't hold true on it. So I guess this is a tmcc thing? I also found another interesting thing. I tested a tmcc diesel engine that I had upgraded using Trainamerica and ERR stuff before Lionel got involved. It worked correctly. Also interesting was the fact that the engine screen with the speed dial came up with numbers on it. The tmcc engines typically come up without numbers. I haven't touched a remote now in a couple of days.

I've read through this thread and the other thread and checked the wi-fi companion but encountered an issue adding a Legacy engine that I haven't seen discussed.  I have the latest firmware and correct cables.  When I added a Legacy engine that had an ID of "2" to the app, icons (speed, whistle, etc.) would move but nothing would respond.  The red light on the Legacy base did not blink.  I added the engine to the DCS remote and it worked fine.  I tried adding a different Legacy engine with an ID of "11" to the app and it worked fine.  I then reprogrammed the original engine to an ID of "12" and it worked.  I'm curious what type of conflict there might have been.  The original engine had already been programmed in Legacy with an ID of "2" and I simply wanted to continue using that in the App. 

Barry Broskowitz posted:


You need to read this thread from beginning to end.

I read that thread before I posted, but didn't see the commensurate issue I experienced.  I didn't report that the  engine wouldn't work in Legacy mode - it didn't work at all in the app until I changed its ID.  Perhaps the issue is related to the thread you cited but it's not clear to me.  

I expect that it was the engine's TMCC ID# 2 that you changed.

If you could change it using the remote's Edit Engine command and the app's Engine Settings screen, and using the RUN/PROG switch, it must have been the TMCC ID#, and it was most likely either entered wrong in the app in the first place or the TIU Number to which the command base is connected was entered wrong. Since the command base's red LED didn't blink when a command was issued, I suspect it was the latter.

Regardless, it's now impossible to know what exactly was wrong.

Does anyone know how to get Lionel TMCC and Legacy loco prime mover sounds to rev up and down automatically in response to throttle movement? I have tested about 10 engines, and the sounds remain at a flat "idle" sound regardless of how fast I run them. It's like the MTH app forces all Lionel locos into manual RPM mode and there is no way out of it.  If I switch from the MTH app, to control my trains using  the CAB-1L or CAB-2, the RPM's go up and down just fine. So far, the only way I have found to accomplish this, is to make manual adjustments to rpm, which really isn't that great.

Last edited by GregR

The remote or the app device has no way to know the smoke setting if it was set from another device.  It only knows the last command it sent.  When I power up my layout, the device also has no way of know in which direction switches are set.

Not a new issue.  When using remotes, if I set a loco at 40, and then with another remote set it as 10, the first remote continues to show 40.

I have another thing I need to check out. I was under the impression that when I had my tiu's updated I would lose my record/playback sessions. I don't think that is the case. I know that the beginning of a session is there,but I haven't played the whole session. When I started to record a new session using my iPhone, I had some funky stuff happen and that led me to suspect the existing sessions. The remote worked fine as always. More fun!

I was under the impression that when I had my tiu's updated I would lose my record/playback sessions. I don't think that is the case.

Whoever told you that, was mistaken. Your TIUs will not lose their Record/Playback sessions unless they are Factory (not Feature) Reset.

When I started to record a new session using my iPhone, I had some funky stuff happen and that led me to suspect the existing sessions.

What kind of "funky stuff" did you experience?

The only Record/Playback issue of which I'm aware is that of a bug in the app that only appears in Super TIU mode. The app only records switch track and accessory operation from the TIU that's selected when recording the session. When recording under Super TIU mode using the remote, even though it's required to select a TIU, the session uses all TIUs and is recorded in all TIUs.

This is on the list to be corrected in a future release of the app.

Barry the funky stuff that happened was my fault. My first attempt using the iPhone and I hit the play button instead of record. But this woke me up to suspect that sessions were still in the tiu. I was also pleasantly surprised to learn that the tiu's held their settings after the upgrade. I was planning on having to set them back up again. Since I use two tiu's in the super mode and only one aiu, I assume I won't be impacted by the bug?

Since I use two tiu's in the super mode and only one aiu, I assume I won't be impacted by the bug?

When we were beta testing, I did a recording with switch tracks on TIU #1, AIU #1 and TIU #2, AIU #1. On playback, only the switch track on TIU #1, AIU #1 played back.

While I know for a fact that only the first switch track was actually recorded (MTH confirmed this), what I don't know is if a recording that was made with a remote and that had both switch tracks, would have played back both.

If your single AIU is on TIU #1 and you select TIU #1 for the session, all should work well. However, if your AIU is on TIU #2 and you select TIU #1 for the session, you most likely wouldn't have either switch track work at all on playback.

I really like the app and the abililty to export engine lists to other devices.  I would still like to have my dcs remotes available for running trains and have them match engine list modifications made with the app..  I could use the read function for loading Mth engines, but run lots of tmcc engines i would like to be able to add into the app and then export into the mth remote.

I have read through this entire post and saw a small mention of the mth app export cannot be used to import into the remote, are there any work arounds for this?

looking at the files themselves, the app file export looks to have structured text as the remote file doesnt.  I did notice in the app file there appeared to be a data section for each engine that looked like it might be the same info that the remote has?




Last edited by Hump Yard Mike


I have read through this entire post and saw a small mention of the mth app export cannot be used to import into the remote, are there any work arounds for this?

No, there is not.

looking at the files themselves, the app file export looks to have structured text as the remote file doesnt.  I did notice in the app file there appeared to be a data section for each engine that looked like it might be the same info that the remote has?

The file structure for remote backup files and app export files are radically different. The app export files are much easier to read and understand. They also have settings that the remote cannot handle, e.g., Legacy engines.

I may have missed this in the previous messages but I am having an issue with blank engine names showing up when reading previously found engines.  It is an intermittent problem from what I can tell.  I am using the premium app on an android tablet running android version 6.0.1.  I do not own any apple products so I can't use that as a comparison.  My TIU, remote and dcs wifi unit are all updated to their respective latest versions. 

GManning35 posted:
H1000 posted:

Here is a video of the problems I am having when creating a route:


This is exactly what I have. I've tried and tried to trick the app into getting all the switches right and it may work right once but then keeps changing what switches are thrown and what direction by itself. No way to get a route or scene set up. I now tried my old Motorola Droid and it has the same issues so it's not android software version specific.


What version of the Android app are you guys running.  We had this issue in the initial release however, it was supposed to have been corrected with the recent update we released a few weeks ago.

MTH RD posted:
GManning35 posted:
H1000 posted:

Here is a video of the problems I am having when creating a route:


This is exactly what I have. I've tried and tried to trick the app into getting all the switches right and it may work right once but then keeps changing what switches are thrown and what direction by itself. No way to get a route or scene set up. I now tried my old Motorola Droid and it has the same issues so it's not android software version specific.


What version of the Android app are you guys running.  We had this issue in the initial release however, it was supposed to have been corrected with the recent update we released a few weeks ago.

My issue with the routes have been resolved with the recent update to the Android app.

GManning35 posted:

 And after all these months I can finally control my routes and scenes on my Android phone also. Since the recent updates I've really enjoyed my layout much more and haven't had any reliability issues either. to my ears!!  Ha, ha...

As you all well know, the system has many capabilities and therefore, is complex.  We deal with legacy issues (in the sense of product evolution) as well as a host of variability in the field use cases.  That is, every layout is slightly different.  Our intention has always been, and will continue to be, making model railroading as simple as possible while providing feature rich products.  Our recent efforts to develop the WIU and now the Explorer and their supporting apps is just the beginning.  We can do so much more given the horse power of smart devices and some new hardware.  We just need some time and results in product sales to fuel the effort.  We can't wait to further refine and clean up issues that some of you may be experiencing.  Like I always say, almost everything is possible given time and money.

H1000 posted:
MTH RD posted:
GManning35 posted:
H1000 posted:

Here is a video of the problems I am having when creating a route:


This is exactly what I have. I've tried and tried to trick the app into getting all the switches right and it may work right once but then keeps changing what switches are thrown and what direction by itself. No way to get a route or scene set up. I now tried my old Motorola Droid and it has the same issues so it's not android software version specific.


What version of the Android app are you guys running.  We had this issue in the initial release however, it was supposed to have been corrected with the recent update we released a few weeks ago.

My issue with the routes have been resolved with the recent update to the Android app.

Great news.  You had me worried.

I have a few questions on the ap.  I am enjoying it tremendously right now for starters.

  1. How do I adjust the startup speed and slow down speed of the  MTH engines?  I have them sitting on the tracks, and the ap has recognized them.  Do I need them to be on (powered up)?  I'd like have them operate more realistically when starting and stopping, yet I can't seem to get it right
  2. For a TMCC Atlas engine, I have added it and after the initial running of the engine and the running session it goes to the inactive roster.  How do I get it active again?




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