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i just purchased a new handheld remote for my DCS system. I use the Wi-Fi app plus I still use my old remote. I wanted the new remote just to have a backup. I am pretty good at using my iPhone and iPad but when it comes to using the desktop computer I am totally lost. I was searching the forum for directions to backup the old remote and then transfer the info to the new remote but am totally lost. I went to utube to see if there were any videos about this but could find nothing. There was a video that I used to update my tiu that helped me do that but even that took much time for me to navigate the computer. The question that I have is on the new remote can I just add engines as I run them without any problems to the other remote. I will try to use the same address on the new remote as is used on the old remote. I powered up the new remote and it found my tiu but when I did a read of the engines nothing showed even though there were 2 engines on the track. Thanks for your help. I like reading this forum cause there are so many knowledgeable people that give great advice

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I just brought in my old remote and TIU into John's Train Shop to have it upgraded from v3.10 to v6.10.

I purchased the Remote & TIU in 2004, and it came loaded with v3.10 direct from MTH.

John's first approach was to backup my Remote settings because he indicated once the Upgrade to v6.10 was complete, all my Engines and settings would disappear. Hence back it up, then reload the new version with my stuff.

After a couple of shots at Backup, it failed to work, and he indicated that the Rev and age of the unit were not going to make this successful.  John has literally done hundreds of these Upgrades, so questioning his analysis, or approach, was a mote point.

The Upgrade to v6.10 went off without a hitch, but I had to re-add My engines, and Track naming schemes, so it was not the end of the world. (I only had 10 Engines, and nothing elaborate as far as Settings).

I'm guessing if you have a ton of Engines, and multiple track schemes, across a bunch of TIU's, or AIU's, Backup might not be just okay, but necessary for your sanity.

I bring up the failed Backup in my case, just in case you run into some Backup issues, once you get the procedure clear on how to proceed...



Last edited by Pat C...
Joe Allen posted:

Upgrade to v6.10 was complete, all my Engines and settings would disappear. 

That should not be the case unless your TIU or remote are on any version of 2.X in which both the TIU and remote must be reset. Are you sure both were running 3.10 ?



Like I said, both the TIU and Remote were at v3.10, cause this was how it came directly from MTH.

In my case it was no big deal, and not worth the time or effort in getting the Backup done, prior to the Upgrade.

Getting my Engines and Track naming added, only took the better part of 30 minutes.

I'm guessing if you got a ton of Engines, Tracks setup, custom Engine setups, and/or an AIU, it could get ugly pretty quick without a Backup and Restore...

Last edited by Pat C...

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