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My MTH Premier Mikado has developed a problem where it starts up under DCS and everything works properly.  But all of a sudden it will spurt or takeoff. Pressing the reverse button brings it to sudden halt. This behavior has gotten worse as I run it to analyze the problem. Reseating the tether helps but does not last. The behavior occurs when running clockwise or counterclockwise. The engine is PS2 5 volt. Battery is fine.

Any suggestions?

Last edited by ctr
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I’d check the solder joints on the PCB board on the engine side that the tether plugs into. The fact that you mention reseating the tether leads me to that. Usually the problem will show itself more on a curve as the tether puts a little more strain on the pins. You may not even see the issue. Usually just a light touch with a soldering iron is all that’s needed to re flow the solder and secure the pin better. I’ve had to do a few over the years. Not an fun job. Requires a small tipped iron and a steady hand.

Being a PS2 5V, it could be a number of things.

My first gut check instinct is the tether. These often fail right at the right angle connector

Second failure is cracked soldering joints to the socket for the tether in the engine

being it is PS2 5V and from 2001- I would also suspect 2 electronic types of failure:

The known to blow and fail PS2 5V 330uF capacitor on the PS2 board (Wincap)

Failing and flaking magnet of the speaker- could short to frame ground and cause weird problems before total failure.

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